You can continue using these methods for future versions of the game too. The process of locating villages is timeless in the world of Minecraft. With that, you are now ready to find villages in Minecraft 1.18 and beyond. Tips and Tricks to Find a Village in Minecraft So, even if you die, you won’t have to look for the village again. It will reset your spawn point to that village.
#Minecraft teleport to spawn 1.14 code
Just make sure to double-check the seed code and game version beforehand. You can use the following steps to use custom village seeds in Minecraft. Once you find the seed that you like, you simply need to create a custom Minecraft world using that seed. If you have updated your game, refer to our list of best Minecraft 1.18 seeds instead. We also have a list of the best Minecraft village seeds in place that you can use to spawn in villages for Minecraft 1.17 or earlier versions.

Fortunately, the internet is filled with seeds around villages, and many of them spawn you right into a village. The world generation can, however, vary as per your game version and edition. You can pick one seed and use it to recreate the same world endless times.

Find Minecraft Villages Using In-Game Command.

Find Minecraft Villages Using Seed Analysis Tool.Find Villages Using Custom Seeds in Minecraft.