While crying, a teenage boy who’s wearing a fox mask appeared. This story started when Hotaru, who was just 6 year old at that time got lost at the Yamagami Forest, where is known as inhabited by youkai (monsters). It’s the story of Gin and Hotaru, they’re both familiar as they were the ones I saw in the trailer. Summer – Hotarubi no Mori e (Into the Forest of Fireflies’ Light) So I guess it’ll be wise if I’ll divide my review based on each stories. This book comprises of 4 different stories representing the four seasons, summer, spring, fall and winter. I was surprised and was a little disappointed. So imagine my surprise when I found out that this book is a collection of 4 one shot stories. I love the graphics and the story was kind of heartbreaking and that’s I didn’t really read the sypnosis when I added this one to my TBR coz at that time, I didn’t see any reason why I should be. I did tell you on some of my previous reviews that I love heartbreaking stories, and when I found out that Hotarubi no Morie E is one of them, I instantly added it in my TBR. I first knew about this manga when I accidentally watched a fan made music video of its film adaptation. Warning: There’s some huge spoiler ahead so read at your own risk. "Hotaru no mori e" and "Deepening the Scar" alone make it worthy. In any case, I recommend reading this manga. But I wouldn't say they are "bad", either. I think there is a gap between the two stories I mentioned first and these other two. The third story is just average, nothing really special about it, although there are instants -certain panels- were you can perceive a deeper and more serious feeling that what's usual in the typical shoujo manga. but even if I'm right, who is that ghost? And does that ghost have anything to do with the character's injuries? I think that if it were a little bit longer, the plot could have been better developed. there are things I didn´t understand, or that were kept unexplained: I think it is a ghost story, though I'm not sure. I would probably rate this one-shot with a 9. It is not the typical "we are siblings, but love prevails, so who cares" type of story. It is a love story between brother and sister, but unlike most brother-sister love stories, this one is realistic. The fourth story (Deepening the Scar) is also very good. If it were for this story alone, I would rate it with a 10. It was made an anime, with the same name, which is also very good, with nice But she cannot touch him, or he will disappear. They become friends they start meeting every summer holiday, and grow each year closer. Hotaru gets lost in the forest and a boy called Gin, who is really a spirit, helps her find her way home. The second story (Hotaru no mori e) must be one of the best one-shots I've read. The art is not my favorite style, but it is ok. It includes four one-shots, some better than others. Rant: BUT IT'S JUST TOOOO SaDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD _ HOTARU MAY MOVE ON, BUT I CAN'T!!!! _ pooor Hotaruuu Hotarubi sent a powerful message that we must treasure our memories-even though it hurts ti remember them, they are a part of ourselves. We go around our lives, having wonderful and sad time-then things happen, and those experiences turn into memories. The story was just so beautiful-yet painful. Let me tell you, I had 5 sleepless nights trying to get over this manga! It was just so sad! Everytime I saw the title, the picture, I still feel really sorry for Hotaru. gets to touch him anyway" Me-being a tragedy hater-was caught off guard. I bet they're going to put a cliche at the end where she still So I was just chilling one day, lurking the myanimelist, when all of a sudden I came across this manga. But I don't recommend it for the faint hearted. First of all, if you want to take a break from too much mushy shoujo mangas, I would recommend this. Before going into detail, I want to warn the readers about some in this review. This is the most beautiful heartbreak I've ever read.